Twice Cooked Lobster
Cooking For “Just the Two Of Us”
Recipes that serve only two can have as much flavor appeal as those that feed a bunch. Here’s proof.
It’s said that “Good things come in Two’s… but finding good recipes that work well for just two people isn’t always comfortable; with that in mind, the hubby is writing this post about the twice-cooked Lobster. Below he shares his story and recipe on this fantastic dish.
Although? I? am? very? fond? of? seafood,? I? am? not? a? big? fan? of? Maine? lobsters.? ? I? ? find? them? too? dry? when? broiled? and? too? bland? when? steamed.? However,? when? I? first? tasted? the? lobster? at? Il? Toscano? restaurant? in? 2004,? I? was? immediately? impressed? by? its? irresistible? taste? and? melted? in? your? mouth? texture.? ?
Over? the? years,? I? have? had? it? on? numerous? occasions? without? disappointment.? ? Recently? on? a? trip? to? Martha’s? ? Vineyard,? I? went? to? a? restaurant? called? Atria? , which? also? had? a delicious? ? lobster? which? they? fry? in? a? wok? at? a? very? high? temperature.? In? speaking? with? ? Atria’s? chef’s wife ? (they? are? both? co-owners)? , I? was? informed? that? the? Lobster? is? dipped? in? milk? before? being? coated? in? flour? and? then? fried? in? the? wok.? Therefore,? when? I? returned? from? my? mini-vacation? from? Martha’s? ? Vineyard? ? a? few? weeks? ago,? I? was? inspired? to? make? my? home? version? of? a? restaurant-quality? lobster.
Two? 1? 1/2? to? 2? pound? lobsters
3? tablespoons? extra? virgin? olive? oil? for? sauté? process?
1? cup? regular? olive? oil? for? frying? process
2? tablespoons? lemon? juice?
2? tablespoon? clam? juice
4? garlic? cloves? (minced)?
1? medium? sized? shallot? (minced)
2 tablespoons fresh chopped? Italian? parsley
1/2? teaspoon? dried? oregano
1/2? to? 1? teaspoon? red? pepper? flakes
1/2? cup? dry? white? wine? (I? used? pinot? grigio)
6? tablespoons? unsalted? butter?
2? whole? eggs? and? equal? ? part? buttermilk? (whisked? together? in? small? bowl)
10? tablespoons? flour? ? and? 5? tablespoon? cornstarch? mixed? together? in? medium? sized? bowl
Have? fresh? live? lobsters? split? and? cleaned? at? seafood? market? (only? the? claws? and? tails? will? be? used? for? the? recipe? and? thus? you? may? discard? the? head? and? body? with? attached? small? walking? legs).? ?
The? claws? are? separated? at? the? joints? and? the? shears? are? used? to? cut? the? shells? lengthwise? along? the? thinner? side? of? shell? while? exposing? the? meat? but? keeping? it? attached? inside? the? shell? (good? luck? with? getting? the? seafood? market? to? do? this? because? it? is? very? tedious? but? if? they? refuse? you? can? look? up? how? to? do? it? online).? ? Next? split? the? tail? in? half? lengthwise? and? cut? each? half? into? another? 2? to? 4? pieces? depending? upon? the? size? of? the? tails.? Once? these? steps? are? completed? the? lobster? meat/shells? should? be? completely? patted? dry with paper towels.

Dip? the? pieces? of? lobster? into? the? egg/buttermilk? mixture? and? shake? off? excess.? ? Next? fully? coat? each? piece? of? lobster? with? flour/cornstarch? mixture? and? place? on? dry? plate? until? ready? to? cook.
Next? preheat? regular? olive? oil? in? nonstick? 8? inch? frying? to? medium? high? heat.? ? Fry? lobster? in? batches? of? 5? to? 6? pieces? at? a? time? (20? to? 30? seconds? first? meat? side? down? and? then? flip? and? cook? another? 20? to? 30? seconds? on? shell? side? until? batter? is? lightly? golden? brown? and? exposed? shell? is? bright? red).? ? Be? sure? not? to? overcook? and? remove? from? pan? and? place? on? paper? towels.? ? Repeat? process? until? all? pieces? are? cooked.

Next? preheat? extra? virgin? olive? oil? in? 12? inch? nonstick? frying? pan on medium heat? and? then? add? garlic? and? shallots? and? sauté? for? approximately? 3? minutes? while? gently? stirring? to? avoid? sticking.? ? Then? add? white? wine? to? deglaze? the? pan? and? next? add? the? ? lemon? juice,? clam? juice? and? dried? oregano? and? stir.? ? Next? add? the? previously? fried? lobster? pieces? and? then? add? the? butter? (1? tablespoon? at? a? time)? into? different? areas? of? pan? and? allow? to? melt.? ? Gently? sprinkle? ? parsley? into? pan? along? with? red? pepper? flakes? and? sauté? lobster? with? constant? light? stirring? for? 4? to? 6? minutes.? You? may? sprinkle? a? small? amount? of? salt? and? black? pepper? to? desired? taste.? ? Remove? pan? form? stove? and? the? transfer? contents? of? pan? to? large? plate? and? may? enjoy? over? pasta? or? by? itself.

If you are a seafood lover like we are, you should try these fantastic dishes below.